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Pentrebane Primary School

​​​​Whole School Approach to Emotional and Mental Wellbeing (WSAEMW)

WSAEMW Leads- Mrs. Claire Rees / Miss. J. Perry 


The Whole School Approach to Emotional and Mental Wellbeing in primary schools in Wales focuses on making emotional and mental health a priority for everyone in the school community—pupils, teachers, staff, and parents.

Key points include:

1. A Supportive School Environment: The whole school works together to create a safe and positive atmosphere where everyone feels respected and supported.

2. Learning About Well-being: Emotional and mental health is taught as part of the regular lessons, helping pupils learn how to manage their feelings, stress, and build resilience.

3. Support for Pupils: Schools offer help through wellbeing programs such as ELSA and Thrive and staff who are trained to spot and support pupils who might be struggling emotionally.

4. Involving Parents and the Community: Schools work closely with parents and the wider community to support children's mental health and well-being.

5. Staff Well-being: The approach also focuses on supporting teachers and staff, ensuring they are happy and healthy so they can better support the children.

In Wales, this approach fits with the overall school curriculum, which aims to help children grow in all areas of life, not just academically, ensuring they are well supported emotionally and mentally.